(909) 556-6513
Mon - Fri : 08.00 AM - 08.00 PM (US Pacific Time )

Laser Cutting Service

Laser cutting of model airplane kits ensures that each piece is uniform in size and shape, making it much easier to assemble. The level of precision also allows model airplane builders to create highly detailed models that are true to life to an astonishing degree.

Some of the advantages of using laser cutting when supplying our model airplane short kits are:

  • Laser cutting ensures that each piece is cut precisely, resulting in a more accurate and better-fitting final product.
  • Because the pieces are so accurately cut, they are much easier to assemble, especially for beginners.
  • Laser cutting allows for a higher degree of customization, and parts can be designed to fit a specific need or purpose.
  • The level of precision involved in the cutting process often leads to a higher quality final product.

Our goal as a business is to provide laser cut kits that are produced quickly, priced to be affordable, and making sure you as the customer are happy with your kit.

Please note: Prices are subject to change depending on raw material prices.